I found MFN 6 years ago , had to ask my wife and doctor, in that order, if it would be ok
to play as my health is very bad. With help from my grandkids on how to work a pc, I was told
only a few hours a day, off I went playing a game that was a big part of my life. After a few seasons, I was in love and without MFN, I would have stayed in bed and died! I have played everyone, I have won a game over everyone at least once and to some lost most of the time! I
have 20 to 30 LC's, 6 in this 4.6 and play the same way as when I started, could I win more if I
put more work in, yes! Thats not why I'm here, its a little more than a game for me! I like every
GM here,even the one that booted me for sticking up for other GM's once! I thank all of you
guys that run these leagues because we need them, I need them! See you all on the field and
lets keep MFN going! Thanks and carry on with Smirt's shack, be nice!
Last edited at 9/16/2022 8:53 am