INJURIES (WEEK 1)The injuries in MFN are nothing more then bad luck. The Sim is designed to hit a certain amount of injuries per week. At the 100 injury rate, you will get approximately 224 injuries per week among the 32 teams. Unfortunately, the Sim doesn't always evenly distribute these injuries leaving some teams hit much harder then others.
What's fascinating is the number of injuries is pretty constant so with every new injury, a previously injured player will get healthy. I guess he designed it this way so a team wouldn't get devastated by injuries. I have seen a team have 20 injuries and anything after 7 means playing injured players to meet the minimum active required.
The normal amount of injuries per team is 7 at any particular week during the preseason or regular season.
There are currently 227 injuries among the 32 teams which averages out to 7.09 injuries per team.
Of the 227 injuries only 68 are what I would consider "unplayable". That means any player with an Out (O), Doubtful (D) or Questionable 4+ (Q) or and Probable 5+ designation.
☆15 teams are within 1 injury of the norm (6-8).
☆8 teams have at least 2 more than the average of 7 injuries.
☆9 teams have at least 2 less than the average of 7 injuries.
TOTAL14. KANSAS CITY (D7/D3/Q5×3/P4×4/P3×3/P1×2)
12. GEM CITY (Q7×2/Q6×2/Q4×2/P3×2/P2×3/P1)
11. LOS ANGELES (D10/Q5/P4×3/P3×2/P1×4)
10. BUFFALO (O2/Q7/Q6/Q3/P4×3/P3×2/P2)
10. DAKOTA (Q2/P4×4/P3×2/P2×2/P1)
9. PITTSBURG (Q6/Q5×2/P4×2/P3×2/P2/P1)
9. WASHINGTON (O9/O2/D8/Q5/P4×2/P1×3)
9. PROVIDENCE (D10/Q5/Q4×3/Q2/P3×2/P2)
8. CINCINNATI (O8/P4×2/P3×4/P2)
8. TEXAS (P5/P4×4/P3×2/P2)
8. SEATTLE (Q6/Q5/P4/P3×2/P2/P1×2)
8. ATLANTA (P4/P3×4/P2×3)
8. MEMPHIS (O11/Q4/P5/P4×3/P2)
8. CAROLINA (Q7/Q5/P5/P4×3/P2×2)
7. INDIANA (Q7/Q5/Q2/P4/P3/P2/P1)
7. MIAMI (O2/Q7/Q2/P4/P3×2/P1)
7. TORONTO (Q5/Q4/P4×2/P2×2/P1)
7. BROOKLYN (P4×3/P3×3/P2)
7. PHILADELPHIA (P5/P4×3/P2×2/P1)
6. HOUSTON (D10/Q6/Q5/Q4/P4×2)
6. ORLANDO (D8/Q7/P5/P4/P3/P2)
6. SAINT PAUL (Q3/P3×2/P2×2/P1)
6. ZEHLENDORF (D3/Q5/P4/P3×2/P1)
5. DAYTONA (Q7/Q5/P4×2/P3)
5. VEGAS (Q5/Q2/P4×2/P1)
5. MONTANA (Q6/Q5/P3×3)
5. TAMPA BAY (Q5/Q3/P4/P3/P1)
4. VANCOUVER (D7/Q6/Q4/P1)
4. OAKLAND (D3/Q6/P4/P3)
4. PHOENIX (Q6/Q5/P3×2)
3. NEW ENGLAND (Q4/P1×2)
1. NEW YORK (P2)
UNABLE TO PLAY6. GEM CITY (Q7×2/Q6×2/Q4×2/P3×2/P2×3/P1)
5. KANSAS CITY (D7/D3/Q5×3/P4×4/P3×3/P1×2)
5. PROVIDENCE (D10/Q5/Q4×3/Q2/P3×2/P2)
4. WASHINGTON (O9/O2/D8/Q5/P4×2/P1×3)
4. HOUSTON (D10/Q6/Q5/Q4/P4×2)
3. ORLANDO (D8/Q7/P5/P4/P3/P2)
3. BUFFALO (O2/Q7/Q6/Q3/P4×3/P3×2/P2)
3. PITTSBURG (Q6/Q5×2/P4×2/P3×2/P2/P1)
3. MEMPHIS (O11/Q4/P5/P4×3/P2)
3. CAROLINA (Q7/Q5/P5/P4×3/P2×2)
3. VANCOUVER (D7/Q6/Q4/P1)
2. INDIANA (Q7/Q5/Q2/P4/P3/P2/P1)
2. MIAMI (O2/Q7/Q2/P4/P3×2/P1)
2. TORONTO (Q5/Q4/P4×2/P2×2/P1)
2. LOS ANGELES (D10/Q5/P4×3/P3×2/P1×4)
2. SEATTLE (Q6/Q5/P4/P3×2/P2/P1×2)
2. DAYTONA (Q7/Q5/P4×2/P3)
2. MONTANA (Q6/Q5/P3×3)
2. ZEHLENDORF (D3/Q5/P4/P3×2/P1)
2. OAKLAND (D3/Q6/P4/P3)
2. PHOENIX (Q6/Q5/P3×2)
1. CINCINNATI (O8/P4×2/P3×4/P2)
1. TEXAS (P5/P4×4/P3×2/P2)
1. PHILADELPHIA (P5/P4×3/P2×2/P1)
1. VEGAS (Q5/Q2/P4×2/P1)
1. TAMPA BAY (Q5/Q3/P4/P3/P1)
1. NEW ENGLAND (Q4/P1×2)
0. NEW YORK (P2)
0. BROOKLYN (P4×3/P3×3/P2)
0. SAINT PAUL (Q3/P3×2/P2×2/P1)
0. DAKOTA (Q2/P4×4/P3×2/P2×2/P1)
0. ATLANTA (P4/P3×4/P2×3)