Weakness state loss. I'll read through and add more.
You took that, though. One area of the depth chart too dinged up or multiple all around and you gray out too much - you will lose or it can be too far gone any way and you lose. But it's a delicate balancing act of what to do. Doubtful = basically never.
Questionable. Playoffs: Neck - 5 week go for it. Body part on a WR/RB you can get away with - go for it. (ie. hand on an RB = dumb move to play and run him) Multiple body parts = player more limited, more apt to be ended. There's so many permutations and angles to take on it. Variables when I have the depth chart up in front of me and I'm deciphering how to not let the engine play me out.......where am I in the standings.....what part of the season is it....what can I get away with.....what can I not.
It's feel.
Example of a conference final of the injury nerf: Gustoon in Parody. I had like one usable play maker and went 100% run to try and get the win. Play D and grind the game. I barely lost in a no chance scenario and my man got a cheap title.
akin to your sitch
Last edited at 9/20/2022 7:10 am